Monday 4 January 2010

There's Such a Thing as Too Much Chocolate?

I love chocolate.

I love my boyfriend.

I love my boyfriend and chocolate.

Until recently, the boyfriend has been quite oblivious to/accepting of the fact that I have a slight addiction. Breakfast, lunch, dinner - whatever, if there's chocolate I will eat it.

Now I've put on quite a lot of weight over the past few months. I know this. And I also think, by my age, I am capable of realising that this is somehow connected to the fact that I no longer train obsessively for Judo, but still eat chocolate. Yes, I think I can figure out how this gaining-weight process works. I'm not slim, never have been, never will been; mostly I accept this fact, although I don't like it. And sometimes it gets me down and I might make a passing remark. Rarely, though. I don't particularly want to draw attention to the fact I'm becoming a heffalump.

Evidently my boyfriend has noticed though, and decided he doesn't like it. He seems to become genuinely annoyed when he sees me eating any. And it's Christmas - we've been given four boxes. Three are still unopened.

I threw the lot in the bin yesterday. We were lying lazily on the sofa and I leant over a took a chocolate from the open box. Just one. Still, it was enough to unleash a stream of remarks about my lack of self control and warnings about calorie content (yes thank you, I hadn't made the association between weight and sugary foods myself). I got up and just put the lot in the bin. He pretended not to notice, even when he went to put something else in there later.
I know it was irrational (I should have taken them into uni and shared them out really, but only thought of that much later) but I was so angry! No one has ever told me what I can and can't eat. It felt like a personal critisism.

But on the plus side, it angered me so much that I now have no chocolate. This can only be good for my waistline.

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