Monday, 11 January 2010

Application Number One.

Probably out of several, but I'm going to stop counting after 5.

So, this application has taken me one weekend plus four snow days to write. Ironically, the bulk of it was written within about an hour and a half and the remaining six days were spent persuading it to fit onto the application form and crowbarring in all the necessary lingo whilst trying not to sound pretentious.

Short of replacing my printer's ink with my blood and stapling my soul to the back as an appendix, there's nothing more I can do to it now.

So... Here goes! Sending... Sent.
I spoke to the Head's PA earlier as the upload link on their website doesn't work, and she offered to give it to the Head this afternoon if I emailed it over today.


I wonder how soon I'll hear back? Or whether I'll hear at all? Teaching might be one of those professions where they don't actively reject you, they just ignore you. In a 'no news is terrible news' sort of way. How utterly soul destroying that would be.

Fingers crossed for shortlist.

1 comment:

  1. Hey April, I noticed you're a blog friend / reader of Cheryl from Confession Of Twenty Something Years Old. Me and a bunch of friends are trying to get her to be featured in 20SB for February.

    So if you have an account in 20-Something Bloggers please help vote for her. All you have to do is visit here and write "I vote for Cheryl from Confession Of Twenty-Something Years Old" or "I second this nomination" :D thanks so much before, I hope you participate!
